Binance web3 wallets share 20 million tokens equally, which is nothing! The official website Uxlink has more tasks! Open your mouth quickly and feed you with food

Web dapp 撸毛

UXLINK is a new social platform and infrastructure for web3. To put it simply, what it does is a bit like the infrastructure of Galaxy Glaxe. There is a lot to look forward to in the future!

The current total number of users is 5.38 million+

The reason for the promotion is: #空投2049 The UXUY obtained in two days of the event is twice as much as the previous two months of signing in.

So it is worth sharing with friends who have not participated yet.

It doesn’t matter if you participate late

Go directly

Email registration,

Social media verification

Link evm wallet (fox or okx wallet)

Then the UXwallet built-in wallet that comes with the project will be newly generated.

———Remember to back up all data

Simple tasks that can be completed by the naked eye.

Get daily sign-in rewards

Then go directly to the official recommended link to do the airdrop 2049 task

Many, many projects have already ended, the sooner you finish, the more you will get.

As of now, there are 2400 tokens after all the tasks are completed

Then two direct links

UXLINK task direct link-task time 2024/4/10-2024/5/9 (GMT+8) There are currently 159384 participants

40 UXUY will be obtained after all the tasks are completed, and the wallet binding user will be completed. After the event, there will be a lottery, and 1000u will be distributed to the winner.

Complete all the task links below to get a total of 80UXUY coins. As of the time of writing, 295295 people have participated.

At the end, some gas is needed to collect uxuy (calim)

<The most economical way is to complete all tasks and collect them at one time>

arb chain Ethereum can be directly transferred to the built-in address of uxwallt

#美联储 #新币挖矿 #ETH #arbirtum