We often do not realise the opportunity in the present moment until it has passed. There is no shame in loss for holding an asset that has all the signs and signals for wealth to come.

Those who are constantly losing composure and swearing at this token, because they drown further or have lost too much holding this token, I assure you it is more than capable of regaining triple the amount you have lost.

I ask you this, a token which is launched on almost every tier 1 exchange and among multiple dexes, including the largest one which is binance, from day one.. How can it not rise beyond any of your imaginations in a matter of days, have you forgotten how $SEI , $JUP rose 15% almost everyday after dipping their first few weeks?

Can you not understand this is a layer 1 narrative? There are no token unlocks scheduled for more than a year superimposing the bull market of 2024 and 2025, It is only a matter of time, how many more indications must I give you?