Recently, the market has been bad for a while and good for a while, which has confused many friends. Those with empty positions hope that the market will fall again and again, and always want to buy at the lowest price, but it always goes against their wishes. Those with full positions hope that the market will rise quickly. The market does not rise for a period of time, and they can't help but cut their losses when they see it falling again! Now, whether it is a brother with full positions or a brother with empty positions, they can't eat well, sleep well, and feel anxious every day. Both empty positions and full positions are worried!

What is the reason? I summarize two points to share with you:

1. Friends with empty positions are worried every day that if there is good news, they have not built a position and the market will take off. What should they do if they miss the opportunity?

2. Friends with full positions, especially those who buy altcoins, are worried every day whether their purchases will return to zero. What if they lose all their money if the price falls to zero?

Based on my six years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry, I would like to share two solutions with friends in these two situations:

Friends with empty positions: Use the left-side position building method: Divide the funds you want to build positions into 5 equal parts and place orders at different support levels. No matter how many orders you receive, your average price is not high, and you will make a profit if there is a slight rebound.

Friends with full positions: If the currency you hold has an application, or is invested by a large institution, you should just lie down and use time to exchange for space, and don't sell at a loss!!! If you hold a local dog coin, you can only sell it and exchange it for a valuable currency.