Does anyone remember why there are so few 100x Bs now?

Because the dealer has changed its tactics, the previous 100x coin had a market value of 1000w

100x is 10yi, and the current coin is 10yi, tens of yi, starting from 100x, and releasing all the time. More and more dog dealers are coming in, and the dog dealers' tactics will directly crush retail investors. When everyone says to buy new and not old, the dog dealers will directly launch coins with a market value of tens of yi on BN OK. Come and buy them. You can't buy all the new coins. From this decline, we can see that the funds in the market have retreated too much, and many coins have fallen by about 50%. If they are not profitable before, they will all lose money. They use high latitude to attack retail investors and use retail investors' cognition to make money from retail investors. Therefore, everyone should be very cautious with new Bs now. It's not that there are no good coins, but most Bs are relatively rubbish#ETH #BTC