Suggestions from the cryptocurrency circle:

1. Don’t buy all at once

Buying cryptocurrency is like eating. Don’t eat too much at the beginning. You have to savor it slowly. Most of the time, you have to wait for a good opportunity to sell. Don’t rush to go all in.

2. Stop when you make money

When you see more money in your account, don’t forget to stop in time. Don’t be greedy. Set a stop-profit and stop-loss, so that the risk can be smaller and the money can be made more steadily.

3. Don’t listen to other people’s nonsense

I heard that Zhang San and Li Si made a lot of money by buying something? Don’t rush to follow the trend. By the time you hear it, the good opportunity is gone. You have to have your own opinions and don’t be led astray by others.

4. Don’t be obsessed with a coin

Don’t think that a certain coin is so awesome that you should leave as soon as you make money. Don’t always think that it will keep rising. Find the next opportunity and evacuate safely. In the cryptocurrency circle, it’s not enough to run fast, but to live long. Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, and enter the group for free

5. Saving money slowly is more reliable

Don't always think about getting rich all at once, that's unlikely. You have to learn to save money slowly, like a snowball rolling bigger and bigger. Don't invest too much at the beginning, the most important thing is to keep the principal. In the cryptocurrency circle, it is always good to leave yourself a way out. Investment, you have to be steady.

In short, you have to be slow in the cryptocurrency circle, don't be carried away by the impulse of the moment. Stay calm and rational, so that you can make steady money.