#BTC Yesterday, Bitcoin touched 64367. Technically, the pressure level of 64200 is still a bit large, and it briefly touched and then pulled back again. Today, Bitcoin is around 63150. If it falls below 62300, it is likely to go to 60000, or even lower. If Bitcoin strengthens, the pressure level of 64200 must be broken, otherwise the oscillation time will be longer, possibly at the monthly level. At present, it is the key direction selection stage, and the main force of the cottage market is still inclined to continue to rebound.

Summary: Pay attention to 62300 and 64200 points. If it falls below 62300, the bull will have to rest for a long time before it can start again, commonly known as the bull bowing its head to drink water. If it rises above 64200, there is a chance to continue to hit 67000. If both points are not broken, it will oscillate in the range. This goose also believes that the possibility of continuing to rebound is greater than falling.