🌟 Ethereum Foundation-Linked Old Address Suddenly Springs into Action! 🌟🚀 2000 ETH Transferred! - A dormant account, silent for six years, has now transferred 2000 ETH to a new address, 0x9d2. Why is this transaction special? đŸ€”âł

Historical Context: This address had received these ETH from the Ethereum Foundation nine years ago in September 2015, when the price was only $0.8917. At today's value, this amount translates to approximately $6.56 million, showcasing a remarkable profit of $6.11 million!💡 Does

This Indicate a Major Move?

The activity of this address has sent ripples through the market. Investors and market analysts are watching closely.🔍

We're Keeping an Eye Out! Could this set a new trend in Ethereum? We will keep you updated with all the latest information.

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