BTC is in the middle of the bull market, what can you do to make more money?

Lower-tier investors

Emotional resonance rapidly rises fantasy

Mid-level investors panic

Strategy and capital influx

Top investors Slow growth Upper-middle investors Accelerated growth Despair

Regression to the mean

Latent period, Detection period, Follow-up period, Fanatic period, Disillusionment period, Destruction

Don't have any doubts. Now is the middle of the bull market. If you continue to doubt for a while, you will start to panic.

When BTC was at its lowest point of 15478u, you started to worry about a bigger black swan. When it reached 30000u, you began to imagine a deep correction. When it reached 73878u, you were at a loss.

When it’s $100,000, you will definitely say that the bull market is over and you should sell short quickly. When it reaches $250,000, you will be liquidated and desperate...

Never go against the big trend at any time. We are very small and must go with the flow.

When the bull market enters its frenzy, the price may increase several times a day and dozens of times a month.

Do you think it is possible for you not to panic when you see others making hundreds of dollars a month?

Next, let me review for you some of the salient features of the bull market:

The distinguishing feature of the bull market is that there will be at least two to three major midway adjustments during the entire process. After each adjustment, it will continue to advance; as for how deep each decline will be, no one can predict, we can only predict each time. When the pullback is in place and the trend on the right breaks through, you can increase your position appropriately.

However, you must remember: never use high leverage contracts. The ups and downs of the bull market will be very large, and this is also the time when you are most likely to get liquidated.

First learn to manage your positions and know what to do and when.

We are now in the middle of the bull market, but we have not yet reached the craziest period of the bull market, so we must understand the following things at this stage:

Driving fresh blood into the market: The decline is a feedback from market supply and demand, which means that the rise driven by#BTCin the previous stage has become a little weak, indicating that there are too many profit-taking orders and fresh blood is needed. The best way for fresh blood to enter the market is to rise and explode, so when a stage reaches the end of the stage cycle, MeMe will appear.

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