Hello everyone, I am Ahan from the Direction Community. Today I will talk to you about Auntie. Ethereum continued to rise during the early morning and this morning, and the high point was also near the high point of the first strong pressure. However, for the day, the rhythm of this rise is too strong. It is estimated that there will be a small wave of short-term retracement adjustment rhythm, and the strength is not expected to be too strong. Originally, Ethereum should have been mainly trading ideas of retracement and long when it directly rushed to 3200, but considering that the trend in the early morning and this morning was a progressive rise in long positions, the technical aspects have not been repaired, so the intraday ultra-short-term is expected to make a certain retracement to make technical adjustments after this round of rise.

Technically, today's daily KDJ and MACD performed well, the bulls attacked upward, and the current upper and middle tracks of BOLL were in a downward pressure posture, but Ethereum did break and rise, which was obviously the rhythm of the rise caused by a large number of over-the-counter institutions. This increase is not a normal trend phenomenon. In the main chart, the MA5 and MA10 daily moving averages rose in tandem, but Ethereum had a small gap with the MA5 daily moving average during the day. Today's intraday increase was also pulled up against the gap, so the current rise of Ethereum was obviously caused by the entry of OTC institutions and large investors.

The trend of the 12-hour level is basically the same as the daily line. The amplitude of Ethereum's launch this round is too fast, and the current short-term BOLL has a small break; the main chart coin price and the MA5 daily moving average also have a gap. According to the current trend, if it does not fall this evening, it is estimated that there will be a wave of technical retracement to adjust the mood around 8 o'clock in the evening.

In addition, the short-level line, the 2-hour and 1-hour lines of Ethereum have green TD13 and green TD9. According to the TD trend logic and the rhythm of volume release, the ultra-short-term line needs a round of emotional retracement for technical adjustment. And the current coin price is near the high point short-term strong pressure area.

In summary, Ahan expects that there will be a round of technical retracement in the currency price today to adjust the sentiment. It is likely to appear after the closing at 8 pm. The strength is not necessarily too strong. The low point support price reference is around 3260-3210.

Currently, Ethereum is near the short-term high point of strong pressure. The current price fine-tuning reference is around 3343. It is estimated that it will be difficult to effectively break through this area of ​​strong pressure in one day, so it will need to retrace to accumulate energy and reserve space for subsequent rises. Therefore, short-term retracement to adjust the sentiment is necessary. Of course, the retracement strength is not estimated to be too strong. If you try to catch it, it is recommended not to be too greedy.If the short-term adjustment sentiment fails to effectively fall below the 3260-3210 area, the subsequent Ethereum bull sentiment handout will start a second increase in volume. The first high point pressure is still 3343. This pressure level is the key pressure of the weekly MA5. Once 3343 is effectively broken and stabilized, Ethereum will go straight to the second high point pressure near 3537-3650.

For short-term trading, we still think step by step. After all, there are many unexpected factors in the market. I hope everyone will trade rationally and don't get too excited. Finally, let's talk about the long-term projects ssv and T ambushed by the Ahan community. Ahan also emphasized again on the 12th that today's increase is also good, just continue to hold. Today's sharing ends here, I hope it will be helpful to your investment. See you next time!