I don't know why I have a feeling that pepe will reach $0.1 in this bull market. I judged this by analyzing shib and comparing it with the historical highest price of pepe. The highest price of shib in the last bull market was 0. (3 zeros) 6 US dollars, which has erased many zeros! The lowest price of pepe from April 18, 2023 was 0. (6 zeros) 2 US dollars to the historical highest point on March 14, 24, which was 0. (4 zeros) 78 US dollars! This shows that the increase of pepe from the issuance period to now is more than the increase of shib during the issuance period. Moreover, pepe has not yet experienced the bull market! The distance between pepe and $0.1 is very close! The obvious achievement before the bull market comes shows that pepe has great potential! It will overthrow shib and doge! I am very optimistic about pepe in the future! #PEPEPotential🚀🐸 #干翻doge和shib 👎pepe will be the boss of meme tokens!