Increase the position and increase the position of #LBR to bet on #BINANCE . Even if BINANCE is not listed in the short term, I also believe that #LSD will have a big upward trend around October. This does not count as chasing higher. The highest price of LBR on the DEX exchange is At $5.2, this position has also retraced 50%.

The mechanism of LBR is slightly different from that of LDO. LBR mints the stablecoin eUSD through pledging, while LDO obtains stETH by pledging ETH. LBR currently has a market value of 17 million U.S. dollars. It should be listed on the first-tier exchanges after market capitalization. It is considered a low market value. projects, and BINANCE is paying more and more attention to the LSD sector. Good projects will definitely be promoted by it, so buying LBR requires a certain amount of patience.