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🔹Reviews of Cognitive Society

On April 27, the lowest price of Bitcoin fell back to 62,300, which was far from the support level of 61,000 in the article of Cognitive Society.

Bitcoin is falling more and more painfully, because there is almost no room for operation after a 2-point rebound. If you don’t sell it, it will fall a little lower later...

The final way to break the downward trend is usually a big positive line or a sharp drop. At present, it seems that the possibility of a sharp drop is a little bit higher, because the Bitcoin spot ETF continues to have a net outflow and the market lacks sufficient funds to take over.

The surge in Bitcoin is good for the altcoins, and the plunge in Bitcoin is also a good thing, because you can bravely buy the altcoins at the bottom.

This location

The quilt is in a mess

Wait patiently for your opportunity

What needs attention is the Ethereum spot ETF. Although it has been rejected, Cognition Society believes that in the context of the Bitcoin spot ETF being approved, Wall Street needs to pass the Ethereum spot ETF if it wants to make a bigger move.

Because the market needs continuous imagination, someone will take over the Bitcoin spot ETF.

Bitcoin spot ETF passed

Ethereum spot ETF also passed. Now everyone is confident about buying Bitcoin spot ETF.

SOL really fell to 132. If Bitcoin does not break 58,000, SOL can normally hold 123.

More 👉Cognition Society exclusive hot spot copycat trend reviews

🔹The K-line spirit of cognitive society

Many new fans feel that the articles of Cognition Society do not have direct bullish or bearish opinions, which affects the chances of making money by playing contracts. The principle of Cognition Society is to play more spot in a bull market. We do not over-judge the rise and fall of short-term prices. This is not Tai Chi, but Cognition Society has its own principles.

Cognitive Society does not know when Bitcoin will plummet, but we remind ourselves that every time Bitcoin plummets, it is an opportunity. We enter the market when Bitcoin plummets and deploy our favorite Ethereum UNI and hot altcoins.

Therefore, if you hold 8 layers of positions, you should control your positions to around 7 layers when Bitcoin accelerates its rise. In the bull market, don't fantasize about shorting your positions every time Bitcoin plummets.


🔹 Daily Coin News Interpretation

Data: A new address has withdrawn $118.7 million in crypto assets from Binance in the past 16 hours

A newly created address withdrew $118.7 million worth of assets from Binance in the last 16 hours, including 7,402 ETH ($23.03 million) and 95.67 million USDT.

📍Cognitive Society Interpretation: Sun Ge recently bought a lot of Ethereum

Franklin Templeton Launches Ethereum ETF, Listed on DTCC

Listing of the Franklin Templeton Ethereum Spot ETF on the DTCC does not guarantee SEC approval of the S-1 filing for the spot ether ETF.

📍Interpretation of Cognition Society: Ethereum spot ETF is likely to be approved in the second half of the year.

Solana’s on-chain DEX transaction volume exceeded US$850 million yesterday, second only to Ethereum for five consecutive days

The transaction volume of DEX on the Ethereum chain was US$1.868 billion on April 26, ranking first.

In addition, the trading volume of Solana's on-chain DEX yesterday was US$856.15 million, ranking second for five consecutive days; the trading volume of BSC's on-chain DEX yesterday was US$655.5 million, ranking third.

📍Interpretation of Cognitive Society: Good news for JTO, but the biggest concern is the SEC

Cognitive Society articles are updated every day

Spend your precious 3 seconds to follow

🔹Summary: If Bitcoin does not break 58,000, this position of Shanzhai is the historical bottom area; 24 years is the initial stage of the bull market of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Every plunge is an opportunity. The long-term K-line research focuses on Ethereum UNI OP NEAR BLUR and Link Pie;

🔹Short-term data


Support: 62500       58000

Pressure level: 64600 66000


On April 27, Ethereum fell back to the lowest point of 3065, which coincided with the support level of 3050 in the cognitive society article yesterday.

The highest point of Ethereum's rebound on April 26 was 3192, which coincides with the pressure point of 3200 mentioned in yesterday's article.

Pressure level: 3190 3240

Support: 3110      3060

🏷 him

Bottom 7.4

The 1. More near 1. More OP in the 2023 year of Cognitive Society, and the 0.2 BLUR, 200 BNB, and 5.5 LINK have been trapped and rotten for N months. Many altcoins in 2024 may also be trapped for several months. It is not meaningful to update and play the band at this time. In the next few months, most of the time, everyone will lie flat.

Cognition Society is the only one that reminds the bottom area near UNI4

Support: 7.4   6.6

Pressure level: 7.9 8.2


The lowest level is 0.37, which is consistent with the support level of the article published by Cognitive Society yesterday.


Lowest 14 higher than expected 1413 support


The lowest is 0.26, which is higher than the expected level of 0.24. 0.2 is an important support level.

Reduce positions near the cost of 1000SATS, and reduce the proportion of long-term positions after reducing positions. The fluctuation is too large and most people can't stand it.

In case of a sharp drop in SATS, pay attention to it in batches. Here are the new batch of coins that Cognitive Society is paying attention to in the long term.


Minimum 0.14

In case RATS plummets, pay attention to it in batches. Here are the new batch of coins that Cognitive Society is paying attention to in the long term.


Reduce positions near cost, and reduce the proportion of long-term positions after reducing positions. The fluctuation is too large and most people can't stand it.



Every time DYDX plummets, you should allocate some and pay attention to it. The new batch of long-term coins that Cognitive Society pays attention to

Cognitive Society is very optimistic about the future and value of DYDX, which can be followed in batches

🏷 AI

Minimum 0.93 Higher than expected

Every time AI plummets, you should allocate some and pay attention to it. The new batch of long-term coins that Cognitive Society pays attention to


BNB may fluctuate violently in the next few days

620 645 is the key pressure point

Can you believe it?

On Earth, when BNB is around 200, Cognition Society exclusively reminds you to invest in BNB between 210 and 180

Support: 580    570

Pressure level: 610 640



Every time NFP plummets, you should allocate some and pay attention to the new batch of long-term coins that Cognitive Society is focusing on.




2.6 Pressure level

2.25 2.1 support level

Cognition Society was the only one who reminded us to upgrade Cancun when the OP bottom was around 1.3.

Pressure level: 2.45 2.55

Support level: 2.2    2.1


1 and 0.9 support levels

Don't cut meat

Cognitive Society Earth Exclusive Reminder "ARB" 0.9 below the fixed investment, for example 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73. The actual minimum is 0.74


On April 27, NEAR fell back to the lowest level of 6.7, which coincided with the support level of 6.8 in the cognitive article.

When the price of NEAR23 is around 1, Cognition Society is the only one that reminds you to invest regularly when the price is around 1.3 to 1.

Pressure level: 7.2 7.5

Support: 6.8 6.6


The high position is taken back, there is not enough time. It may not be updated temporarily in the future. There are too many coins in the state

🔹Understanding attitude towards making money

Cognitive Society does not like hindsight

I don’t like those KOLs who claim that they can make a lot of money.

If someone in the cryptocurrency circle could profit from the rise and fall of every coin

Leverage is not about making 10 billion a year

But the second largest exchange on earth saw the market makers manipulate the market, and it only lost billions and went bankrupt.

Form your own trading system and make money within your own cognitive scope. Don't fantasize about making money from every daily rise and fall, let alone the rise and fall of every coin. This person does not exist on the earth, nor does this kind of organization. If such an organization existed, FTX, the exchange that looks after the main backstage, would not have gone bankrupt.

Mismatch between desire and ability

The heart can never be at peace

How can you hold on to the coins if you are not calm inside?

Many people always like to rely on other people's promises and guarantees to hold on to their coins when the market crashes.

Banks are going bankrupt. Even some big countries’ fiat currencies are going bankrupt. Evergrande and Zhongzhi Group are bankrupt with tens of trillions of dollars.

Do you think people who promise returns can be trusted in such a high-risk place like the crypto industry?

The charlatan is just talking nonsense. As for the real crash and bear market, have you ever seen those people who promote the bull market every day?