How do you view people who achieve financial freedom through Bitcoin?

From an investment perspective, Bitcoin is actually no different from buying stocks and funds.

BTC is a high-risk investment that requires huge risks, but also has huge returns. Risks and benefits are related to a certain extent. Some people can get returns, but not everyone can. Luck, the ability to collect information, and the ability to learn are all important.

If you knew about BTC a few years ago, would you dare to make a move? Not to mention tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, you might not even be willing to invest a few thousand dollars. If you happen to buy some BTC, the price rises from a few dollars to dozens of dollars, then to a few thousand, and then to nearly 20,000 US dollars. When will you get off the bus? If you get off the bus too early, you feel that you haven't eaten all of it. If you get off the bus too late, you will say that you know this thing is a scam. If it has risen several times, will you not sell it?

Here are a few chestnuts that everyone is familiar with:

Big brother sold his house in Shanghai in 2014 and bought BTC with all his net worth. Roughly estimated, he has at least 15-20 times the return. Later, he also opened the famous Binance exchange. Of course, it was CZ's own ability and cognition that made him an absolute big shot in this industry.

The second big shot often calls himself a "nouveau riche". He learned about BTC at a sharing meeting and decisively bought Bitcoin, which was worth 500 yuan at the time, at a price of hundreds of thousands of yuan. Now he has long been financially free and has become a KOL in the currency circle. Many people say he is a loser, but he just seized the opportunity.

In fact, in the past few years, there have been many opportunities for financial freedom for everyone, such as houses, BTC, stocks, etc.

Many people talk about consensus. What is consensus? The consensus of ordinary people is the consensus of interests. This is understandable and reasonable. Now look at some people who have become financially free through BTC. They recognize this value, or see the technology and future potential behind BTC. Who can say whether it is too late to buy now?

As I said, every penny you earn is the realization of your cognition of the world, and every penny you lose is because of your defective cognition of the world.

You will never earn money beyond your cognition unless you rely on luck, but the money earned by luck will often be lost by strength in the end. This is inevitable.

The greatest fairness in this society is that when a person's wealth is greater than his own cognition, this society has 100 ways to harvest you until your cognition matches your wealth.

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