#ordi Since its release in January 2023, it has taken the Web3 world by storm and has been widely welcomed. In June 2023, Ethereum decided to join this phenomenon and introduced the exciting Ethscriptions protocol, which quickly gained recognition.

The protocol creates unlimited possibilities for digital entity exchange and creative expression for users on the Ethereum blockchain. This imaginative protocol leverages the concept of "calldata" in the Ethereum network to provide a cheaper, decentralized storage solution and ensure ethical uniqueness, integrity and immutability.

The Ethereum community has always been known for its positive attitude towards innovation and experimentation, and Ethscriptions is a reflection of this tradition. Inspired by the serial inscriptions on the Bitcoin network and the NFT series Crypto Punks, Ethscriptions launched "Ethereum Punks", which quickly aroused enthusiastic response from the community.

Although the protocol is currently limited to images, it has broad prospects for development and is expected to support more types of files in the future, bringing more exciting opportunities to digital creators. Although Ethscriptions has also faced some challenges, such as intermittent downtime caused by the surge in users and the existence of similar technologies, its recent widespread recognition and adoption have revealed its true potential.

Now, Ethscriptions.com offers an easy-to-use tool and step-by-step guide that enables you to create your own Ethscription in just 60 seconds. Your digital creation will be imprinted on the Ethereum blockchain for permanent preservation.

  • Currently the community is very fomo, we can learn from ORDI’s initial fomo, but ORDI was a 0 to 1 existence at that time so it took several months, but ETHS came to the crypto world standing on the shoulders of giants, so it can be regarded as a rapid version.

  • The initial price of ETHS: 5u-10-20-50-100-200-250-beng-180-150-100-beng-180-200-240-250-270/300

  • If you want to know, of course you can. But if you go to fomo after reading this article, I don’t think it’s necessary. The thing this circle lacks the least is opportunities!