Between 2024 and 2025, the cryptocurrency market ushered in a grand bull market, and there are multiple factors behind this phenomenon.

First, the Fed's interest rate cut policy has led to large-scale money printing, and a large amount of US dollars have poured into the cryptocurrency market, injecting huge liquidity into the market.

Second, after two years of bear market shuffles, the cryptocurrency market ushered in a comprehensive shuffle. Institutional investors were eliminated, miners were forced to stop production, and retail investors were also hit hard, which provided a large number of cheap chips for the dealers.

Third, the 2024 Bitcoin halving event became a highlight of the market. The halving event gave a reason to drive the market up and made more people willing to invest in Bitcoin. This event became a hot topic in the market and attracted more funds into the market.

Finally, the entire market formed a consensus that 2024 will be the year of the bull market. People joined the market one after another, forming a strong buying force, which enabled the dealers to manipulate the market easily.

In summary, the currency circle ushered in a grand bull market between 2024 and 2025, and there were many reasons and driving factors behind it. #新币挖矿 #BTC