The situation in the market is exactly like this,

Friends, if you enter the futures market and wonder if you will make a loss, IT MEANS YOU WILL LOSE. If you are thinking about what should I buy and what should I add to the lower basket, you are RIGHT. Because you enter the spot market and it falls. You immediately become demoralized!

Is it better to stay in cash or buy something?

I share what is necessary here. I will always do it. Don't think that the things you buy are not increasing. YOU ARE JUST AN IMPATIENT MAN. You don't know how to wait. Let me buy when I go to bed in the evening, when I wake up in the morning, or you are LIVING IN THE DREAM WORLD so that it can be 100x in a week. There is no such thing.

If you don't have any knowledge, learn slowly. For example, enter the pre-sales, be the FIRST TO BUY, buy it very cheaply. As the stage goes by and the listing gets closer, you will already WIN. Once you get listed, you can increase your fortune by 10x or 1000x.

But if you don't have any knowledge, STAY AWAY FROM OFFENSIVE AND KNOWLEDGE. Your job is to do pre-sale research and enter into free airdrops at your own risk and analysis. DO NOT even enter the spotlight of the coins that are already listed. Your hair will turn white, you will be demoralized, you will be restless. And you will make everything worse. Which will make everything worse. BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW whether the price of the coin is at the bottom or high. You don't even know what it does.

It's really unclear what will happen right now. I'm waiting for MAY-JUNE. Right now, I've spent 85% of my CASH on pre-sales. I swear to God. I left a small pocket money. I'm playing futures with it.

If I win, it could be 300, maybe 1000. Then, if the market improves the way I want, I will do something again. Everything is Clear in My Profile, Go in, Read, Examine, YOU WILL DEFINITELY CLOSE IT... IT WILL NOT COME BLANK FOR ME...


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I Love You 🫶