[Revealing the way to position allocation in a bull market! ] Big funds, medium funds, small funds, teach you how to win!

The bull market is coming, are you still worried about how to configure your positions? Don't worry, today I will reveal the way to position allocation in a bull market! Whether you have big funds, medium funds or small funds, you can find a strategy that suits you here!

1. Position allocation

1. Big funds (more than 10 million)

50% to keep Bitcoin + Ethereum: 50% of the funds are locked in Bitcoin and Ethereum to ensure that the value of the main assets is not shaken. 2.5% layout of old coins: 25% of the funds are bet on promising mainstream old coins, and stable returns will not be lost. 1.5% fight for new coins: 15% of the funds are used to purchase emerging currencies, high risk and high return, only by daring to fight can you win! 10% of flexible response: keep 10% of the funds as a mobile, ready to respond to market changes at any time.

2. Funds above 1 million but below 5 million

30% of the main body of Ethereum: 30% of the funds are allocated to Ethereum to ensure the stability of the main position. 30% of the old coins are stable: 30% of the funds are invested in old coins to reduce risks and stabilize returns. 30% of the new coins are looking for opportunities: 30% of the funds are used to invest in emerging currencies to find high-return opportunities. 10% of the funds are flexible adjustments: 10% of the funds are retained for flexible adjustments to keep up with the market.

3. Funds below 1 million

Ether is excluded to lower the threshold: Ethereum is excluded to lower the investment threshold. 40% of the old coins are stable: 40% of the funds are invested in old coins, with stable returns and no risks. 40% of the new coins strive for high returns: 40% of the funds are used to purchase emerging currencies to pursue high returns. 20% of the funds are flexible and flexible: 20% of the funds are retained to flexibly respond to market changes.

2. Layout strategy

Keep an eye on the second layer of Bitcoin and Ethereum: Bitcoin and Ethereum are the kings of market value. Keeping them will keep the cornerstone of victory. Prefer the top exchange currencies: Choose currencies listed on well-known exchanges to reduce investment risks. Actively participate in the launch of new coins: The launch of new coins is the key to obtaining early investment opportunities, and it should not be missed! Be keen to capture new opportunities: The market is unpredictable, and timely adjustment of positions can seize new opportunities.

New investors should not blindly follow the trend, and old investors should maintain keen market insight. Reasonable allocation of positions and flexible adjustment of layout strategies can ensure victory in the bull market!

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