#Megadrop Let's meet!

Megadrop is a new platform from Binance that provides support to cryptocurrency projects in the process of launching their tokens. This platform brings together Launchpool, Web3 and airdrop elements, breaking new ground in the cryptocurrency world.

The formation will also provide liquidity to the BNB market and activities such as BNB swap will earn points on the platform and offer rewards to users.

Megadrop will provide rewards to users through various activities, including BNBs locked in Locked Products. At the same time, it will support new projects to make a strong debut by enabling participants to win Launchpool rewards.

The first project to be listed on the platform#BounceBit (BB) is a Proof of Work (PoW) coin that allows re-staking of $Bitcoin. This project contributes to the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem by applying the proof of stake (PoS) feature to Bitcoin.

BounceBit Megadrop Details - Reward:

Token Name: BounceBit (BB)

Maximum Token Supply: 2,100,000,000 BB

Megadrop Rewards: 168,000,000 BB (8% of maximum token supply)

Initial Offering: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of maximum token supply)

Contract Information: BounceBit

Upper Limit per User: 1,344,000 BB

Reward: Total Points = (Unlocked BNB Points * Web3 Task Multiplier) + Web3 Task Bonus

Post-Lock BNB Point Calculation: (Based on hourly snapshots during BNB Locked Products Snapshot Period) = (Average 120-day Amount of BNB Locked x 130) + (Average 90-day BNB Amount Locked x 120) + (Average 60-day Amount of BNB Locked x 110) + (Average 30-day Locked BNB Amount x 100)

Web3 Task Coefficient: 1.5

Web3 Task Bonus: 1,000

Note: *KYC is required.

Note2: *Your Web3 wallet needs to be backed up.

In order not to confuse the product with Launchpool, the differences between Binance Megadrop and Launchpool are in the table.

Participation Method:

1- Click where it says more on the Binance mobile application. Typing Megadrop in the search box is another method to reach it.

2- In the services window that opens, select Megadrop under the currently recommended heading. I added it to shortcuts for convenience. As you can see in the image, you can assign a shortcut in the mobile application by clicking edit.

3- Click on the subscribe more or more box under the opened task section.

4- You can choose any of the 30-60-90-120 day options. Then write the amount you want to lock in the amount box and confirm below.

You have become a Megadrop participant!