A Small Mistake but Learned a huge lesson 👇

  • I was working with on my own system which is especially designed for scalping & few swing also work with a accuracy more than 70-80%+ (old users already experienced) but with this system sometime i miss few swing setups. so thats why i want to fill this gap.

  • So i have planned to upgrade my system where i can cover more move which is first my mistake, cause we cant cacth whole move of the market & if u will try to catch then u will lose which is fact.

  • So thats why i have observed few other good traders how exactly they planned a particular setup where my system was saying no setup but they planned based upon there system & it goes well also and after few times i have prepared the criteria & steps and tried to execute.

  • which is my second mistake, cause if im working with my own system, if someone will try to copy my exact system how i have planned then most of time he / she will stopped out cause few criteria , strategy maker only knows which u cant identify on charts.

  • So i did the mistake & personally faced back to back SL in last few trades but thank god i always gave high priority to my risk management thats why i didnt lose more & which i can easily recover in few setups.

  • Third mistake is, if u are working with anyone system or ur own system & its giving more than 60-70%+ accuracy then never look back for other strategy. cause nothing 99% or 101% accuracy still if u are looking these then get ready for a huge loss.

  • So here, i was doing good with my scalping system but tried for more accuracy & more move from market and as expected faced a small loss but learned a important lesson.

  • Last but not the least, More learning ≠ More Profit but instead of this Pick one & over the period of time u will learn many mistake from a single strategy just back test & implement within the same strategy.

I hope u have Learned something from my mistake & how i overcome this phase, Do support with Like & share ur experince in the comment section & dont forget to follow #CryptoJobber