After rebounding to 65297 last night, it retreated and formed an oscillating rhythm trend in the morning, with 64000 as the bottom line support and 64500 as the upward resistance line. In the morning, it also looked up and took more than 400 points of space in the low-long big cake, and more than 20 points of space in the concubine.

From the current structural trend, the oscillating rhythm trend with 64000 as the bottom line support and 64500 as the upward resistance line in the morning. In the afternoon, you can continue to pay attention to the layout of the upward resistance and bottom line support and follow up.

Big cake suggestion: short around 646700, target 63000

Auntie suggestion: short around 3170, target 3050$BTC $BTC $ETH #Megadrop #新币挖矿 #比特币减半 #大盘走势