The United States sued metamask for operating without a license. Due to its simple installation and operation, metamask has become the world's largest online wallet. Because of its little fox icon, it is also called the Fox Wallet.

A few days ago, Laolang just talked about the United States suing UNI, and said that this is just the beginning. After the Americans implement encryption compliance, they will begin to "confiscate" everything, including BN, which will also pay tens of billions in compensation.

You would say that centralized ones will pay compensation, and fully decentralized ones can escape the disaster? On the contrary, if you pay, you can still survive, but if you don’t pay, you will face comprehensive suppression.

The encryption draft that the United States has just launched states that it will take comprehensive measures to ban and trace anonymous projects. This means that anonymous and privacy projects will face the strongest suppression in the future, and we must be vigilant about related risks.

In fact, compliance is a good thing for the public. It allows the fittest to survive and the market to develop more healthily and steadily. For example, the market has recently been linked to ETFs. You can see that ETF funds will change prices in advance. ETFs will rise when they flow in, and will fall when they flow out.


Today's ETF outflow is relatively large, so pay attention to unusual market movements over the weekend.
Laolang WeChat: lang0x00


In the afternoon, hundreds of billions of options were delivered, and BTC entered a volatile trend. The hourly line continuously inserted needles. The upper $65,733 is the key point of the 5-day line and the key point of the box resistance. BTC needs to break through $65,733 in large volume to quickly rise and strengthen. Next, BTC inserted needles at $65,733 and fell back.

Resistance: 64952, 65733, 66676

Support levels: 63695, 62583, 61762图片


ETH is inserting a pin along the 5-day line and the hourly line is forming an M head to test the bottom. $3172 above is the key point of the M head. ETH stands firmly at $3172, confirming the bottoming trend. The bulls will increase their support and embark on a new round of upward trend. Next, as the bulls' volume weakens, ETH needs to test the highs multiple times. ETH rose and fell at $3172.

Resistance: 3172, 3208, 3242

Support levels: 3111, 3066, 3005图片