Gonna start building a position in $CETI here as I feel

like it's in a prime position to make a huge move once we get a rotation back into #AI and #DePin plays. No need to rush as the market is shaky and memes are still king but I think from here and lower is a great buying opp.

$CETI team is building the infrastructure necessary to decentralize AI with real compute power. Contrary to most of the GPU projects you've seen shilled throughout CT in the last several months, CETI is putting their money where their mouth is, spending over 2 million buying 40 NVIDIA H100 gpus and 2 NVIDIA switches that enable huge compute power. (chainwire.org/2024/04/18/ce%…)

The new NVSwitch allows CETI to connect all 40 H100 GPUs to provide up to 3200GB of vram which is pretty insane. This is just the pilot program starting, so one can envision what they have in store for the future.

The team is experienced, doxxed and well connected. They all have long tenured careers in software, AI, business and crypto that show you what a real team looks like, as opposed to some of these teams claiming to have good gpu/cloud computing tech.

While CETI does have buy/sell tax, you can clearly see that the money is being put to good use and not just farming traders for money and building small server rooms in their basement. Money is being poured into real datacenters with the some of the highest quality GPUs on the market along with partnerships that will create real revenue for CETI which in turn benefits holders with rev share.

All-in-all I see a great opportunity here to get in early on a good AI/DePin project sitting at 20m mcap. Compare that to projects like$ Opsec, $GPU, and $HASHAI that all topped at around 280m mcap. I don't think any of them have the connections or vision to accomplish what $CETI plans on accomplishing. They all may have more GPUs but when it comes to CETI its quality over quantity.

Heres some links to the website and socials so you can DYOR.





CA: 0x1bFCe574dEFf725A3f483C334b790E25c8FA9779