Why do most people prefer to play with meme instead of VC coins?

Looking at the past two days, everyone has their own reasons. I also want to say a few words.

The reason why retail investors choose meme is not because they are unwilling to take over VC.

It is not because meme is launched fairly.

You are not right. Unless you are an old player who relies on meme to make a comeback,

you cannot understand the investment logic of meme players.

There is only one reason why retail investors choose meme: "Too Poor".

Meme is more cost-effective. You can only make a few times more money by buying other products.

But meme can bet dozens or hundreds of times.

Let's talk about me. The money I earned in 2017 was cut into pieces by ICO. After the bear market, I adjusted my mentality and re-entered the market in 2019. At that time, I only had RMB 1.6 million.

Later, I encountered $shib at the end of 2020 and bought half of the position. If you stand from your perspective, you have little funds. What else can you buy if not meme? , I came to this industry to turn over, not to double

So you are all wrong,

There is only one reason why retail investors choose meme; "poor"

