【Binance Megadrop】

It’s finally started. I’ve written about Megadrop and how to participate in it before. Now it’s finally started. I’ll give you a detailed tutorial based on the official task conditions:

Entrance: Binance-More-Megadrop

Participating in Megadrop is divided into two sections. You can participate in either one or both:

1. Deposit on a fixed term

In the Megadrop interface, click Subscribe, find the number of days you need to deposit, click in, and then enter the amount of BNB you deposited, and confirm the deposit.

2. Tasks

(1) First, you need to create a Binance web3 wallet Binance-Funds-Top Web3-Create Wallet

(2) Then you need to transfer your BNB to your Binance web3 wallet (Binance-Funds-Transfer-BNB-Enter address, channel, amount-Confirm withdrawal)

(3) The web3 task of the BB project of this issue of Megadrop requires staking BTCB, so we need to prepare BTCB in advance (Binance wbe3 wallet homepage-Transfer-Select BTC-Select BEP20-Click Transfer-Enter the withdrawal amount, only 0.000111 BTC is enough, 0.000011BTC is used as the handling fee-Confirm withdrawal)

(4) Then return to Megadrop to stake (Megadrop page-Complete web3 task-Start now-Enter 0.0001 in BounceBit dApp BTCB, select [Connect Wallet] and [Deposit] buttons respectively - complete Web3 task)

(5) Return to the Megadrop project page and click the [Verify] button to successfully obtain Web3 task points and Web3 task multiplier.

Points calculation:

(1) Reward calculation: User's final points = (locked BNB points * Web3 task multiplier) + Web3 task points.

(2) Locked BNB points (based on hourly snapshots during BNB regular product snapshots) = (120-day average BNB locked amount x 130) + (90-day average BNB locked amount x 120) + (60-day average BNB locked amount x 110) + (30-day average BNB locked amount x 100)

(3) Web3 task multiplier: 1.5, Web3 task points: 1,000


(1) Participating in the regular staking of Megadrop will also participate in Binance's Launchpool, but participating in Launchpool will not allow you to participate in Megadrop in reverse. Therefore, if you have used all your BNB to participate in Launchpool before this, you can only cancel your participation and then participate in Megadrop to achieve dual mining

(2) After completing the web3 task, it will not be displayed after clicking Start Now because you need to surf the Internet scientifically