
In the Web3 space, it is easy to get caught up doing what you don't want but because everyone is doing it you tend to follow the crowd.

Most times people quit on these roles overtime because they never had true understanding of the role before jumping on it.

So what do you consider before picking a role in Web3

Let's talk about 5 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Career in Web3 👇👇

1 Job Availability

The Web3 space is bubbling with excitement and almost everyone wants to start a career in the growing ecosystem. It is however important that you stay informed on Web3 roles and openings before making your career decisions. It will help you in the long term.

You might go and take a course or learn a skill that is not needed locally or even in the digital world to avoid that mistake, take out time to research job boards and learn a skill that serves a need before proceeding further into making it your Career.

2 Interest and Passion

You should always consider your interest in whatever field you decide to carve a niche.

"What do you enjoy doing?"

"What job can you do and be happy even without getting paid?

"What are your interests?"

It is important to identify your interest and passion and align them with your career. Only then would you achieve your job satisfaction. While money is important, Consider building a career around something you enjoy doing.

3 Attitude To Work

Your attitude to work is crucial when choosing a career in Web3.

If you have a positive approach to work and can work in a stressful environment, you can opt for a more challenging and fulfilling career.

If however, you cannot cope with stress, you might want to choose a less daunting career path that is still fulfilling to you.Avoid doing things because everyone is doing it and also remember whatever is worth doing is doing well❗

It is better to come with your best attitude to work than to become a nightmare to your employers which won't help you build good work relationships.

4 Job Experiences

Although the Web3 ecosystem is still in its infancy, relevant job experiences can help you choose the right career in the sector.

You can acquire experience in your desired career by volunteering, undergoing internships, or participating in some other non-paying jobs. This will give you the required level of experience for your dream job.

5 Salary

While it should not be at the centre of your decision when choosing a career path in Web3, you must consider the salary structure of your job.

You can research the salary structure in your desired niche to have an idea. It is also crucial for your career growth and development.

At the end of the Day Money is important 😎

Hope you learnt something new today😊