#BTC Bitcoin dropped to 62794 yesterday, which is lower than the 63500-65500 range predicted by this goose. The callback is deeper than expected. Next, we should pay attention to the 62300 point. If it falls below, Bitcoin will most likely go to around 60000 again. If it does not fall below, it will continue to fluctuate upward and start a one-hour level C wave rebound.

Summary: Pay attention to the 62300 point. If it falls below, it will most likely go to around 60000. If it does not fall below, it will still fluctuate in the range of 63500-65500. This goose predicted that it would rebound to more than 66000 again if it was two days fast and four days slow.

Off topic: There are always some black people who come to disgust people. This goose predicts in the morning, and predicts the market from today to tomorrow morning (East 8 time). Sometimes, when predicting the market for the next three days, the black people still say that it is hindsight. Can hindsight predict in advance? I started warning about this callback on the 23rd, and have been emphasizing that the callback point is between 63500-65000. Is it hindsight to warn 2 days in advance? Look at the screenshot time! If you like it, pay more attention to it. If you don’t like it, just block me. This is purely a personal record of the currency circle. I don’t charge any fees and I don’t take orders. As for the strength, just look at the accuracy of the previous articles.