Gary Gensler took the helm of #SEC in April 2021, vowing to strengthen market oversight and protect investors. His tenure was characterized by a strong regulatory approach, particularly in the area of ​​cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Gensler's background in finance and reputation for enforcing strict regulations earned him respect among some industry experts.

But recently it appeared in several media about the resignation of Gary Gensler which was allegedly due to internal problems occurring within the SEC.

With the emergence of this news on various social media. Finally it received various comments.

And one of the anonymous accounts on social media commented on the resignation issue.

it says:

"Gary Gensler's resignation following an internal investigation is deeply concerning. It calls into question the integrity and effectiveness of the SEC under his leadership. The financial industry relies on the SEC to ensure market fairness and transparency, and any alleged misconduct at the top erodes investor confidence."

Yes, in the end this issue has reaped pros and cons among investors.

There are those who want him to stay so that everyone complies with SEC policy.

But there are also those who agree with the resignation because many hope that there will be an SEC chairman who is ready to support digital assets, especially in the cryptocurrency sector.

Disclaimer: However, until now the SEC and Gary Gensler himself have not provided an official statement regarding this currently circulating issue.

#Dyor #sec