Whether AI cryptocurrencies are safe – either from hackers or from the volatility of the crypto market – depends on how you store them and your attitude to risk.

On the latter, no crypto currency is safe from market instability, and 2022 was the year in which crypto’s volatility was laid bare. 

Bitcoin, for example, started the year at around INR 2 million and ended it at around INR 1 million (-56%), but not before rising to roughly INR 3 million in March. Ethereum had a similar fate, starting 2022 in the region of INR 196,928.40 INR 1 lakh and ending the year at just under INR 98,463.29.

AI cryptocurrencies are no different. GRT fell from around INR  43.32 in January 2022 to INR 5.90 (-86%) in December, while AGIX fell from around INR 13.78 to around INR 2.95 (-78%).

For hackers, crypto wallets and exchanges are likely to remain a target for criminals – leaving people’s assets at the mercy of the security that they and their exchanges implement. 

Cold wallets are a hedge against hacks, but they become vulnerable once connected to a web-connected computer.