Here's how the next 6 months in a bullish crypto market can change your life.💸
Get ready for my secret strategy in 8 easy steps:
1. Stock up on lots of cash.
2. Avoid buying $BTC or $ETH.
3. Invest in new coins (less than 2 years old).
4. Go for coins with a low market cap (less than $500 million).
5. Choose solid coins (in AI, Data, Privacy, Gaming, ZK domains).
6. Do NOTHING, be patient and wait.
7. Enjoy 10-20x returns during the run.
8. Sell before it becomes commonplace.
That's all.
This is my current strategy, which will shoot me until 2025. I have
I've done it before and I'll do it again.
The best part?
I'll share the journey here so you can be a part of it. many will
I'm sorry for not following me.