Complete order of magnitude (counting unit)

What comes after one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand?

One, ten, hundred, thousand

Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million

Billion, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion

Trillion, ten trillion, one hundred trillion, one thousand trillion

Jing, ten Jing, one hundred Jing, one thousand Jing

Gai, ten Gai, one hundred Gai, one thousand Gai

Zi, ten Zi, one hundred Zi, one thousand Zi

Rang, ten Rang, one hundred Rang, one thousand Rang

Ditch, ten Ditch, one hundred Ditch, one thousand Ditch

Stream, ten Stream, one hundred Stream, one thousand Stream

Zheng, ten Zheng, one hundred Zheng, one thousand Zheng

Zai, ten Zai, one hundred Zai, one thousand Zai

Ji, ten Ji, one hundred Ji, Qianji

Ganges sand, ten Ganges sands, one hundred Ganges sands, one thousand Ganges sands

Asankhyeya, ten Asankhyeya, one hundred Asankhyeya, one thousand Asankhyeya

Nayuta, ten Nayuta, one hundred Nayuta, one thousand Nayuta

Inconceivable, ten inconceivable,

One hundred inconceivable, one thousand inconceivable

Immeasurable, ten immeasurable, one hundred immeasurable, one thousand immeasurable

Big number, ten big numbers, one hundred big numbers, one thousand big numbers

Follow me and I will help you earn a big number