💸Common mistakes that prevent my new trader from preserving assets and optimizing profits:

📉In a bearish market: cut losses on falling coins, snap to buy rising coins, unexpectedly fall into the trap of selling at the bottom to buy at the top, losses pile up on losses.

📈In a rising - Bull market: take profits on rising coins, buy falling coins, unexpectedly fall into the trap of selling at the bottom and buying at the top, losing profit.

💰 Normally, during a down session, most of the market is down. To avoid falling into the Bear trap, you should refer to the price chart of coins expected to sell and coins expected to buy and their average unit prices. Avoid Bull traps, this method can also be applied. Even if we buy and sell when the market increases or decreases, if we convert to VOLUME/UNITS held, if there is no decline, the asset is still stable. Remember, when the market prices decrease, there will be times when prices increase and vice versa. If you haven't sold yet, you haven't lost money and will be able to get your capital back or profit when the market increases. In the uptrend market, shorting can be profitable if the price range is wide enough to cover taxes and fees, but the shorter the downtrend, the easier it is to fade due to reduced volume + trading fees. The simplest example: buy 1 ENA for 1usdt, when it reaches 1.5usdt then sell, profit 0.5usdt. After that, the ENA price continued to increase to 1 ENA = 2usdt, so the 1.5 usdt just collected could only buy back 0.75 ENA not including taxes and fees. #BinanceSquareVietnam