There are three mysterious financial groups in the world. They control assets of more than 20 trillion US dollars, which is equivalent to the GDP of 27 EU countries plus the GDP of Japan. They are BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. These three financial groups are like the human brain. They do not produce products directly, but control a large number of companies closely related to our food, clothing, housing and transportation through the thinking of capital operation, so as to achieve the goal of annual income of trillions. Behind the Fortune 500 companies, there are basically the figures of these three financial groups. Let's take a look at BlackRock first. BlackRock is the world's largest asset management group, no doubt about it. Because of its close relationship with the US military, he was given the nickname of the world entering the dark empire. Since the Jewish Larry Fink founded BlackRock in 1988. It is like a greedy money beast, constantly devouring the world's financial assets. Now it has managed nearly 10 trillion US dollars in assets, which is jaw-dropping.

BlackRock's most outstanding performance was during the 2007 US subprime mortgage crisis. At that time, all the leading investment banks such as Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch went bankrupt. BlackRock, with its deep understanding of mortgage knowledge bonds, successfully handled bad debts on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. As a result, it proposed its own asset management scale, and BlackRock became the biggest beneficiary of the global subprime mortgage crisis. In addition, Pfizer's annual profit in 2020 was as high as US$100 billion, of which the new crown products contributed more than half, and BlackRock was Pfizer's largest shareholder. Not only that. BlackRock is also the second largest shareholder of AstraZeneca, one of the world's largest cancer drug manufacturers. In 2023, when the Russian-Ukrainian war was in Jiaozuo, BlackRock took the opportunity to enter and established the Ukrainian Development Fund with Ukraine, taking over Ukraine's energy, infrastructure, power grid, agricultural investment and even all state-owned enterprises for free. In September 2019, BlackRock's first public fundraising fund listed in China was put into operation. The total amount of funds raised was about US$8 billion. In June 2021, it obtained a license to conduct public fund business in China and officially opened. These events also mark the further opening of China's global markets.

Next, let's take a look at Vanguard. John Bogle, the godfather of American public funds, founded Vanguard in 1974. He single-handedly lowered the average management fee of the integrated fund industry and launched the first index fund for individual investors in the United States in 1976. Warren Buffett regards John Bogle as a hero in his heart. Buffett said that if a statue is to be erected to commemorate the person who has made the greatest contribution to American investors, it should undoubtedly be John Bogle, who has helped millions of investors to get better returns on their savings. John Bogle is well-known and has a good grasp of the market. Apple, Microsoft, and Google all have Vanguard behind them. As the largest shareholder of these technology giants, Vanguard holds 7.68% of Apple's shares, 8.12% of Microsoft's shares, and 6.66% of stocks. In addition, Vanguard is the second largest shareholder of Amazon and Alibaba, and the third largest shareholder of Baidu. In the consumer sector, Vanguard is also one of the major shareholders of Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and other companies. Vanguard's investment tentacles have also extended to many other industries, such as e-commerce, automobiles, daily chemicals, military industry, etc. However, this American company may not be accustomed to the formal logic of the Chinese. At the end of last year. In Vanguard's official website, only Australia was left in the list of Asia-Pacific regions, which also shows that Vanguard has been defeated in China. Like BlackRock, Vanguard, which manages nearly 8 trillion US dollars, is also a Jewish consortium, and the real controller is the Jews.

As a global giant, State Street's passive investment management scale is second only to BlackRock and Vanguard. State Street's predecessor was a small investment bank founded by three young and promising young people. In the development history of State Street, one of the key turning points was in the early 1950s, when State Street began to get involved in the stock trading market and gradually shifted its business focus to the European banking field, giving full play to its professional advantages. In the early 1980s, State Street seized the opportunity of China's reform and opening up and started business in the Chinese market, thus consolidating its position in the financial sector in Asia. State Street's asset management scale has reached 4.9 trillion US dollars, with 2 trillion US dollars in the Chinese market alone. State Street Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Street Corporation, established a branch in Beijing in 2005, which shows how much it values ​​the Chinese market. State Street is behind a series of Chinese companies such as Alibaba,, Meituan, Baidu, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that these three major consortiums have touched various fields and companies. It can even be said that they can become concerted actors. In this way, it seems that our food, clothing, housing and transportation are really inseparable from the areas covered by these three major consortiums.

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