Everyone is a millionaire

A white-haired wise man met a young man with a sad face and listless on the road, and asked with concern: "Young man, why are you so depressed?"

The young man sighed and said: "I have no house, no wife, no job, and I often have no food to eat. I am a poor man with nothing."

The wise man smiled and replied: "You shouldn't be so depressed, you are actually a millionaire!"

The young man said unhappily: "Millionaire? Don't make fun of me."

The wise man said: "Why would I make fun of you? Now, answer me a few questions."

"What questions?" The young man asked curiously.

"If I use 200,000 yuan to buy your health, are you willing?" The young man shook his head and said: "No."

"If I use another 200,000 yuan to buy your youth and turn you into a little old man from now on, are you willing?" "Of course not!" The young man answered straightforwardly this time.

"If I offer you another 200,000 yuan to buy your eyes, would you be willing?" "No!"

The young man shook his head like a rattle at this time.

"If I offer you another 200,000 yuan to buy your wisdom and let you spend your life in a muddle, would you be willing?" "Only a fool would be willing!" The young man turned his head and wanted to walk away.

"Don't worry, please answer my last question." The wise man continued: "If I offer you another 200,000 yuan to let you kill and set fire, and let you lose your conscience, would you be willing?" The young man said angrily: "Who would do such a wicked thing!"

"Okay, I have already offered 1 million yuan, but I still can't buy anything from you. You say, if you are not a millionaire, what are you?" The wise man asked with a smile. The young man suddenly woke up.

Wealth revelation: We have a healthy body, a smart mind, bright eyes, a kind heart, the love of family, the support of friends, the guidance of teachers, a happy life, a bright future... These are all our first pot of gold. We should use this pot of gold to manage our lives well, and never be a beggar holding a golden bowl to beg for food.

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