Current price #OMNI: 20.98 USDT
Daily change: -7.98%
Percentage changes for longer periods of time indicate:
Last day: -4.59%
Last week: -25.71%
There is a significant decrease in the price from the initial mark of 55.5 USDT, according to the information about the “opening” on the chart, which indicates a large drop in a relatively short period of time.
Additional indicators:
Trading volume for 24 hours (OMNI): 1.24 million OMNI
24-hour trading volume (USDT): USDT 27.38 million
Demand: 56.93%
Offer: 43.07%
The predominance of demand over supply may be a sign of potential interest in price recovery, but the overall negative trend over the past 7 days requires careful monitoring of further market movements. As always in the cryptocurrency market, there is a high risk of volatility and uncertainty.