Cited from @SJ95E
When I went on Twitter to try to find some other letters, I found that many people were looking for the 161 original letters. I did find it, a 361-page PDF file. I believe that 99% of people will not read it.

There will be many sleepless nights in life, so what if there is one more? Therefore, I not only read it, but also extracted and summarized some of the key points.

The full text of this article is taken from the original text of 161 letters of support, and a large part of the repeated descriptions have been screened out to present a more comprehensive CZ to everyone (although it is a public letter, the last name in the note is still hidden for privacy reasons)

The full text is mostly described from a first-person perspective. I only summarized and refined it without deleting or changing the original meaning👇🏻

1. He Yi (Binance Co-founder) @heyibinance

Many people think that charity is just for fame and reputation, some people use it as a means to offset taxes, and some people say that they will do charity when they are financially independent. But for CZ, whether he is poor or rich, he takes charity seriously and assumes social responsibility because he is kind and has a humanitarian spirit.

Under CZ's guidance, Binance has helped more than 180,000 users recover assets totaling more than $441 million. This is a resource-intensive project that is not worth doing in terms of ROI, but we can ignite hope for our users in despair.

In the emerging Wild West of Crypto, countless practitioners play the role of predators, and CZ has always insisted that we should do the right thing: protect users.

2. CZ's sister

His approach to business is very simple - we create value for our customers and the revenue will follow. This mentality has not changed since he first started his business in 2005.

In early 2016, before Binance existed, he was approached by a business acquaintance with the idea of ​​a partnership where CZ would provide the technology and the man would provide a license to operate an online platform, a game similar to internet gambling.

It was also a low-risk, quick-money opportunity, but CZ turned it down. He told me this over a family dinner. He said, “I don’t see the value in this. It’s just making some quick money off people who can’t think clearly. I’d rather spend my time on better things.”

After the FTX incident in 2022, there was a massive run on the Binance platform. When I spoke to Chang Peng on the phone, he said: All customers' funds are in their own accounts, they can withdraw as much as they want, and it will not cause any financial pressure on Binance. The real stress test is on the technical side, whether the system can handle such a large transaction volume.

3. CZ's Daughter

I will never forget the free time I spent with him after high school, meeting insightful people with him during his work, and the personal memories as a father and daughter. He made it possible for me to have fun while also expanding my learning opportunities.

On a later entrepreneur trip, a trip that Dad normally avoids, he accepted because of me. During this trip, I met many self-made entrepreneurs and heard their stories and my father's stories.

Towards the end of the trip, when someone asked everyone in the group “What was the best part of this trip?” As everyone spoke about this amazing trip, my dad said something that left me in awe, it was so true; “I am truly grateful for this trip because it allowed me to spend time with my daughter.”

4. Ryan Z*O (CZ’s son?)

“All my life, all of his actions seemed normal, as if everything he did for me was what a father should do, and I took his actions for granted. But as I started college, the more people I met, the more I realized how lucky I was to have CZ as my father. Despite the challenges my dad faced, he always demonstrated integrity, kindness, and a deep sense of responsibility for my sister and me.”

5. Yang*Qing (not sure what the relationship is, ex?)

As early as 2018, less than a year after Binance was founded, it decided to withdraw from the Japanese market. A few months later, Japan was hit by floods, and Binance donated tens of millions of yen to the disaster areas in Japan. At that time, my family and friends in Japan were very grateful for his cross-border contribution to the disaster areas and victims. CZ has also done a lot of charity in various countries, including building schools in Africa, donating to the Turkish earthquake, and donating after the Covid outbreak in Wuhan, China.

He himself may not remember many of them. A man who values ​​his family, friends and children's education is very loving and kind, and is a responsible man.

6. Ron Co (Founding Partner, Sky9 Capital)

CZ wants to build a business with long-term impact and a sustainable institution. While many startups in the blockchain space focus on short-term returns, CZ stands out because of his desire to build a world-changing company focused on financial trust and security.

CZ acknowledged his mistakes and took full responsibility. I believe that after pleading guilty to the court and agreeing to pay a fine, in addition to making amends for these mistakes, both CZ and Binance as an institution will learn from these oversights and become stronger.

CZ is still in the prime of his career, and with real-world experience to guide him, I have no doubt that CZ will take the lessons he has learned in building Binance and continue to make positive contributions to society.

7. GIN C*o

In early 2019, CZ backed up his words with action when Binance ensured that all users’ funds were protected following a highly publicized security hack.

CZ addressed user questions and concerns in real time throughout the week through various online AMAs. I have never seen or heard of any company managing a crisis so promptly and transparently with its customers.

8. Lily D*h

Since I’ve known CZ, he has been a business mentor and we’ve developed a deep friendship that has given me the privilege of seeing his every move, both small and grand moments, that showcase his kindness and thoughtfulness for those around him, actions that have a ripple effect as he navigates his business and personal life, and that show me that CZ truly cares about the well-being of others, not just himself.

9. Ronghui Gu*u

CZ is a key figure in the advancement of blockchain and Web3 technologies. However, beyond his well-known business achievements, his commitment to using these technologies for humanitarian causes is particularly significant.

A prime example of this is the Pink Cares initiative by the Binance Charity Foundation, led by CZ. In June 2019, he approached us about this initiative, which aims to empower 1 million women in developing countries to improve women’s health and well-being.

The program uniquely uses blockchain to provide transparent and efficient aid to address poverty issues of the era with zero corruption and minimal transaction costs. By December 2022, the program had raised more than $1 million and benefited tens of thousands of people.

10. James J*h

In all the years I have known CZ, he has always been a responsible man. So I was not surprised when I heard that he had voluntarily surrendered to the Seattle court. CZ had told me many times to "do the right thing" and that he "believed in karma."

To my knowledge, CZ has not been in legal trouble before, and I hope that your Honor and the court will take this fact, my letter, and his positive qualities into account when deciding what is a fair and just punishment for his crimes.

11. CZ’s former Bloomberg colleague

Based on my experience working with him at the same company as Bloomberg, I think CZ has a high national and professional integrity at work, and I saw that he works very hard and is very responsible. He often works until late at night or even in the morning so that he can provide the best service and products.

I have lived and worked in China, and I have seen Chinese companies pay bribes to gain an advantage, and create fake news to attack competitors. All of these bad business practices are unacceptable in North America. As far as I know, CZ has never done anything like that.

He has lived in China for many years, but he has never developed any bad habits in China. He firmly believes that a healthy competitive environment will benefit everyone, including his company, competitors and consumers.

12. Ted L*n (CZ’s high school classmate)

In 1995, we graduated from high school, entered different universities, and started different careers. More than two decades later, our paths crossed again when I had the opportunity to work with him at Binance. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that my high school friend had not strayed from his humility, strong work ethic, and righteousness.

While some are confused as to why CZ would voluntarily choose to travel to the United States to participate in the court proceedings in this case, I know this is characteristic of CZ. He is the responsible person I have known since childhood who did the right thing.

13. Frank L*n

I remember sometimes CZ would invite us to church services. I would just sit in a chair, listen to the Bible explanations, and sing hymns. But CZ would help with church activities and those who needed help.

He is kind-hearted and helpful. When he was young, he knew how to try his best to help his friends and those in need, which is what I admire about him.

14. Tzu-y*i

When we expressed interest in investing in his startup, CZ warned us that the risks in this emerging industry were unpredictable, and given the high risks inherent in startups, it was difficult for him to sincerely invite friends and family to participate in these ventures, and he needed to strike a balance between promoting personal success and professional ethical standards.

In retrospect, we were impressed that he held himself to a higher ethical standard than many other fundraising entrepreneurs we had seen, known, and worked with in Silicon Valley over the past 20 years.

15. Perry W*g

As I write this, I’m reminded of a conversation we had a few years ago after Binance’s rise: After he made the cover of Forbes magazine, I asked him what he planned to do with his wealth. He told me that he planned to donate most of it, like Gates and Buffett, in the hope of making a real difference in the world.

16. CZ’s college classmate

During our college years, he was always optimistic and generous. We often thought about the future and what would happen after college. I was pessimistic, but he insisted that as long as we worked hard enough and if we were smart enough, we could achieve our biggest dreams. He always insisted that one day he would create his own technology company to empower the masses.

It has been almost thirty years since I became friends with CZ. CZ is still the striving, hard-working college student I remember, still loyal and steadfast to his friends, and still believes that he can make the world a better place. I hope that some of the things I have described, no matter how trivial they may sound, can provide a more comprehensive perspective on the kind person he was.

17. Out Y*n

In the past, a competitor company hired influencers and media companies to publish unfounded rumors about our company. We thoroughly investigated each piece of information and found it to be completely false and a smear campaign.

When a colleague suggested retaliating with an equally smear campaign, CZ immediately and strongly opposed the idea. He went on to explain, “We should not and cannot succumb to such low-level tactics - we should and must spend every second of our time improving our products and services.

18.Sean Y*g

From 2014 to 2015, we co-invested in or attempted to incubate 3 unsuccessful businesses with varying degrees of involvement on both sides. Together we invested over $200,000 in time and money, which may sound like a pittance compared to CZ’s current wealth, but was a very significant portion of his total net worth in 2015.

But after each failure, we not only remained friends, but our relationship became stronger. We always treated each other ethically and fairly. To this day, I still have several IOUs in my wallet from failed startup owners.

Despite his ability to do so, CZ did not take legal action to recoup his investment, instead he continued to provide support to startup owners and remain friends.

19. CZ invited him to be the legal framework consultant for Binance

A few months ago, my wife and I cooked dinner for CZ at home. CZ explained to me what happened before the settlement with the DOJ. He was very remorseful and took full responsibility. He made no excuses, saying only that he had not harmed anyone. He had not misappropriated other people’s funds to distinguish himself from Sam BankmanFried, who did exactly that.

20.Gabriel A*d

CZ is known for his stoic calm and genuine humility, traits that are particularly striking given his status. Despite his significant achievements, he maintains a lifestyle marked by simplicity, reflecting his preference for material things over luxury. CZ, who lives in my neighborhood, is often seen wearing basic clothing purchased from Amazon or sporting his Binance merch.

Additionally, he drives a Toyota and wears an Apple Watch, which are just a few examples of how he cares the least about material possessions.

In all his interactions, Mr. Zhao consistently demonstrated integrity and a steadfast commitment to his principles, often at personal expense. His reliability and honorable behavior were reflected not only in his personal interactions, but also in his professional life.

Mr. Zhao’s leadership style and interpersonal relationships are characterized by egalitarianism. He consistently treats individuals with equal respect and dignity, regardless of status or position. This is evident in his behavior, whether through small polite gestures or through his respectful and attentive communication style.

21.Sheikh * N*i

I have personally witnessed that on numerous occasions, individuals approached him during events and informal gatherings seeking to partner with Binance or be listed on the Binance exchange, and rather than taking these requests personally, he firmly directed them to follow the same procedures set out by the company as everyone else. This ensures fairness, justice, and a level playing field for all participants.

Additionally, CZ takes the issue of improper affiliation very seriously, especially when individuals or projects attempt to gain benefits with other parties by claiming to be affiliated with him.

In such cases, he has taken decisive action to protect the professional ethics and integrity for which he has always stood, and in some cases he has chosen to completely sever ties with those who would use his name for personal gain.

Despite his status and success, Mr. Zhao remains a humble and down-to-earth person who treats everyone, regardless of their position or background, with respect and kindness.

22. Magnus G*d

CZ often discusses his efforts to strengthen KYC/AML on the Binance Security Protocol and actively engage with regulators. He often talks about seeking the right advice and hiring the best people to help improve compliance measures, which shows his commitment to ethical market operations.

These actions reflect his strong moral compass and dedication to integrity. In my opinion, despite the challenges in a nascent industry, CZ's goal has always been to promote comprehensive regulation and compliance.

I know in my heart that CZ will have a very positive impact on the development of the world, and he often talks about devoting all his energy to solving important problems and making the world a better place. I sincerely hope that this letter will lead to a wider understanding of Mr. Zhao's character and intentions.

23.Richmond T*o

I used to visit his three-room apartment in Singapore, where he lived with four other family members. Much of the living area was covered with play mats for his children, with toys scattered everywhere. We ate dinner around the play mats at a simple six-seater rectangular dining table, which was also where he worked.

I remember CZ turning to me and whispering that he ate several dishes cooked by his aunt every day. I found this out during a subsequent dinner. His aunt once asked me if CZ was as rich as she had heard from her friends. I simply replied that he worked hard and did well. Instead of using a luxury car or a chauffeur-driven limousine, CZ used Uber in Singapore.

24.Arnaud V*a

In addition to his professional efforts, CZ’s sincere concern for social development has always been a strong motivation for me to support him and Binance. I firmly believe in his good moral character and that he deeply regrets his past actions and is committed to making amends. His significant contributions and positive impact in the professional and social spheres are evident.

Therefore, I respectfully ask that you consider these aspects of Mr. Zhao's character and their positive impact when deliberating your sentence. I sincerely hope that your sentence will give him a chance to redeem himself and continue his valuable contributions to society. Thank you for considering my views on this matter.


For more than 6 years, CZ is one of the 2-3 people I trust, respect and deserve to be a long-term friend in this industry. I also do not hide this evaluation and judgment of him, and openly tell my friends in the business and investment circles that many Chinese users' extended families, entrepreneurs and investors are in Singapore, Hong Kong and other Asian countries.

One quality I like about CZ is his honesty and poise far beyond his age and experience: he almost never goes too far or promises too much, and he can listen to my impolite criticisms without blowing up.

The second thing that impressed me about CZ is that he has normal and clear values ​​and puts them into business actions: Since the Russian-Ukrainian war, we have seen many examples in Asia of countries and companies trying to profit from the withdrawal of Western countries and companies from Russia.

CZ's push for currency security in the early days of the war was the right response to this, blocking Russia's ability to use currency security for financing, transferring assets and for payments! I believe that he is not a profit-seeking businessman, his business philosophy is beneficial to humanity and the world.

26. Sa*h Austin

CZ’s practice of active listening, coupled with providing opportunities for underrepresented voices, has become a beacon of change in the tech industry. Recognizing the importance of re-entering the ladder in business, CZ has been instrumental in creating pathways to success, breaking down barriers that often hinder individual advancement for minorities like myself and my co-founders.

27. Binance Türkiye Community Manager - Alper B*t

I left my long-time job at Siemens and joined the Binance family in early 2020. One of the main reasons was that over the years CZ has been a humble person who prioritizes user security, is transparent, outspoken, humanitarian, and committed to the development of the crypto ecosystem on social media, and in real life as well.

28.Heina C*n

CZ has a document called CZ’s principle in the company, which records 72 principles of his work, including the most important one is user-centricity, internal management, teamwork, and efficient work without wasting time. His life and work status and principles are very inspiring and inspiring to me. Each principle is very real. Whenever I see a principle, the corresponding true portrayal will appear in my mind. I am very much looking forward to CZ’s future autobiography and the birth of Binance Principle, which will help many entrepreneurs avoid detours and give them a lot of inspiration for entrepreneurship and company management.

29.Michael C*n

In 2019, despite the challenging circumstances at the time, he ensured full repayment of the stolen funds from Binance’s Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU). In fact, Binance was the only cryptocurrency exchange to fully refund user funds in 2019. This swift and responsible action not only restored user assets, but also reinforced trust in Binance’s commitment to user security.

30.Christy C*i

I want to emphasize that CZ's integrity goes beyond his personal good deeds. As the CEO of a well-known cryptocurrency exchange, CZ has consistently prioritized transparency, security, and ethical behavior in the industry. One notable example is when CZ encountered potential vulnerabilities when launching new digital assets.

Despite the potential for financial gain, he made the decision to delay the launch without hesitation, prioritizing user safety and the integrity of the exchange above all else. This principled choice not only demonstrated his unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards, but also set a benchmark for responsible behavior in the cryptocurrency industry.

31. Je*my R

As my lab recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, I invited CZ to return to McGill to join in the celebrations. Ideally, that might have included a workshop, given the blend of math, engineering, and entrepreneurial skills that drove CZ’s success and that will no doubt inspire many of our current students.

I am obviously saddened to learn that recent developments will likely prevent CZ from accepting my invitation, but I hope that he will be able to return in the near future to visit his alma mater and share his thoughts with our community. Of course, he is more than welcome to spend time with me and my students again.

32.Diana Do*a

In a heartbreaking incident, Mr. CZ once again demonstrated his selfless nature when Turkey was hit by a severe earthquake. Under his guidance, Binance distributed the then equivalent of $100 in BNB to all Binance users living in the worst-affected areas, greatly aiding their recovery efforts during this turbulent time.

Through these actions, Mr. CZ has consistently demonstrated his dedication to his employees and the wider community in need. His approach has taught us the importance of humility, resilience, and making a positive contribution to society. He has embedded this culture of helping and caring deeply into our daily corporate life, and we have all learned to be better people and never leave someone in need alone.

33. Mujahit D*ez

In mid-2022, I became concerned about my personal safety in Turkey due to potential threats. When I mentioned this to him, he suggested that I bring a close personal protection (bodyguard) if necessary.

He said the safety of his employees was his top priority, and I remember having a hard time convincing him that this was absolutely unnecessary. Like the example above, this was not a typical CEO response to such cases. I was not a celebrity or VIP who needed this kind of protection, but being a good guy, he was concerned about me and tried to take some immediate action.

34. Nirun F*ul

When the news broke that Russia had invaded Ukraine, his first reaction was how to keep our Ukrainian employees safe, and he set up a task force to evacuate employees as quickly as possible. We had no offices in Ukraine and no established presence there. He didn't have to do this, but he did.

35. Patrick H*nn (Chief Strategy Officer, Binance)

In my first discussion with CZ, he detailed all the mistakes and poor decisions he had made that had led us to where we were today. He then listed the steps he had taken to correct some of the missteps, before concluding by admitting that he knew there was more to do, but that he needed a new leadership team to help him chart the right path forward.

That day, he promised me that we would spare no effort to ensure Binance is secure for our users and serve as a beacon of responsible development for the rest of the industry. During my tenure, CZ has never failed to live up to his promise to me.

36.AND L*I

There were several times when CZ impressed me with his passion, diligence, and fairness. One of these times was during his mentorship at Binance Labs’ startup incubation program in the spring of 2022. The incubation program consists of early-stage startups in the Web3 space, some of which have only 1-2 founders with an idea and a PowerPoint presentation.

Despite CZ’s busy schedule, he found time to meet with all of the founders both virtually and in person and actively listened to the challenges they face when trying to bootstrap their early-stage businesses, while providing direct advice based on his own experience as an operator (of course, he also had to accept many selfie requests from these founders).

I believe that most of the founders in this incubation batch will consider their interactions with CZ as the highlight of the entire program. I think there are very few CEOs in any industry who would dedicate their time and energy to this, which shows me the profound importance of CZ in nurturing founders who are growing in their industry.

37.Livia L*u

When I first entered the company, HR told me that the man in flip-flops, shorts and a short-sleeved shirt was our boss. He was at work, a skinny, clean-cut middle-aged man, who stood up and greeted us very friendly.

I nervously called him "boss", and he smiled and said that everyone in the company could call him Changpeng or CZ, and there was no need to call him boss. His easygoing and simple attitude overturned my understanding of leaders. Many leaders in my impression are serious, well-dressed, and perhaps a little potbellied. But he was simple, capable, and easygoing, which immediately relieved my nervousness and made me like this company more.

Other company leaders might work overtime to supervise the work. He just worries about whether the employees can go home safely. Outside of work, he likes to eat with junior employees, listen to their opinions, and even serve everyone at the table himself. He is not performing because he serves the people sitting around him every time.

He still does that. I remember him saying at the dinner table that we should let others eat first. I think he has that consideration for others ingrained in him.

38.Stefan P*ch

At a meeting I attended in Paris with the Future Advisory Board, comprised of highly respected and knowledgeable individuals, CZ’s approach was both educational and collaborative.

His goal is to impart knowledge about cryptocurrencies while learning best practices from these experts to build a healthy foundation for the cryptocurrency space to grow. This approach underscores his commitment to fostering a balanced and informed perspective in the cryptocurrency space.

39. David P*ay

In addition to business, under CZ's leadership, Binance has had a significant positive impact on the lives of many people in Europe. Through initiatives such as Binance Charity, the organization has contributed to the renovation of Notre Dame, supported local communities with Les Restos Du Coeur, donated to children's hospitals in Italy with the Vatican, and participated in the restoration of historical monuments such as the Palace of Versailles in France.

While acknowledging the seriousness of CZ's predicament, I want to emphasize that I do not intend to minimize the severity of his crimes. However, I firmly believe that, at a fundamental level, CZ is a good person. His leadership is not driven by ego or personal success, but by a mission to make a positive contribution to our society.

40. Vishal Sa*an

CZ cares deeply about the health of his employees - during the COVID-19 pandemic, CZ arranged for each Binance employee to receive $500 each on top of the usual health insurance package. When arranging an optional relocation for employees to the UAE, CZ promised that all travel expenses, relocation fees, and hotel accommodation would be covered by Binance (this also included family relocation expenses)

41.Paul Binance CPO

In conflict zones, he initially helped the cause through over $3 million in charitable donations, but then he knew he wanted to do more because he knew I had previously been involved in evacuating ExxonMobil employees from Iraq during the ISIS invasion, and he asked me to go to Ukraine to help evacuate his employees and family, an action he supported financially and emotionally.

Finally we successfully helped vulnerable adults and children evacuate from Ukraine to Poland and developed plans to facilitate mass evacuations, and then he donated another 10 million in cryptocurrency and created a refugee card that would give them access to funds when banks failed.

42.Rohit W*d (Binance CTO)

From the first week, I realized that this was not a CEO in the “Wolf of Wall Street” mode, but rather someone who reminded us on nearly every call to always put the customer first, even if it meant taking a loss or increasing costs.

I remember a time when our technology (and customer service chat) was not good enough and customers had a lot of problems. CZ required us to hire hundreds of agents at a high cost and train them so that our customers would not have to wait to chat with a person.

43.Wonder X*u

Others asked me, "There must be a lot of ways to make extra money working at Binance, right? After all, other major exchanges have all kinds of bureaucratic rent-seeking corruption." But all I can remember is that they repeatedly emphasized employee compliance, preventing insider trading, and combating corruption and abuse of power. In a sense, only through such measures can we better serve users and protect the security of user assets.

44. Ozay Ay*n

I think everyone who has met CZ, from the most senior ministers to the scion of the most well-known families, has fallen in love with him. In person, unlike the caricature of the man we see in the media, CZ is modest, humble, and very down to earth. He did not and does not have the airs of a billionaire who has made it to the top of his industry in a miraculously short time.

One particular habit of his struck me as a great friend: Whenever he was in a conversation, he would pull out a notebook, carefully write down what the other person would say, and make sure to follow up. There were no overpromises, no arrogant dismissal of even the most trivial suggestions, and no arrogant conceit. His sincerity and enthusiasm were not only for important people.

I vividly remember the times I would introduce him to people who were unfamiliar with cryptocurrency and they would ask him what he did. He would always reply that he ran a startup, which always made me laugh.

Eventually, when these people discovered who he really was, they were amazed that someone so successful could be so humble, affable, and modest. Other casual friends said he was always the same not only with me, but with everyone else.

45. Rajia B*i

CZ never hides when things go wrong, and as an entrepreneur I have nothing but admiration for his loyalty to Binancians, and he has inspired so many around the world, myself included.

I suggest your Honor consider that I believe the financial penalties imposed on Binance and CZ, including the removal of CZ from his position as CEO of Binance, are severe enough.

CZ has empowered 170 million people around the world helping them achieve financial independence and freedom. His philanthropic work to empower the underprivileged is evident. I have seen CZ generously donate through Binance during natural disasters like the Turkey and Morocco earthquakes, Japan and Italy floods, UNHCR donations, and Ukraine emergency relief funds, to name a few in recent years.

46.Chris Lee @ViewsOfChris

CZ is a big-hearted person. Binance established Binance Charity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Binance Charity donated many resources such as masks in different countries.

In addition, Binance Charity formed an alliance with 46 companies to unveil a stable veil for alleviating period poverty. Binance Charity distributes reusable sanitary napkins to girls in Uganda.

As a member of the global blockchain community, I highly appreciate his contribution to the industry. His philanthropy has really helped a lot of people, especially those who have been forgotten.

47. Simone S*a

As someone who understands the barriers of missed opportunities and the difficulties faced by those without family support, I cannot overstate the impact that CZ’s initiatives have had on my life and the lives of others. I am currently pursuing a college degree leading up to a PhD, thanks to the programs and incentives that CZ has pioneered through Binance. This unprecedented support has not only opened doors for me, but has also given me a profound appreciation for the transformative power of education.

To build schools in Africa and provide countless people with the opportunity to build better schools in the future. This dedication speaks volumes about his character and the values ​​he upholds.

Through various projects, he has provided free English classes and web3 educational opportunities to me and others, ensuring that knowledge becomes a beacon of abundance that benefits individuals regardless of their financial situation. I have been fortunate enough to be a part of these initiatives, which have had an immeasurable impact on my educational journey.

48. Sam S*ny

I am sure you are aware of the tragedy caused by the Beirut explosion. Our bank went bankrupt and we were unable to withdraw our funds. Binance introduced the concept of financial freedom, which greatly helped me solve a major problem I was facing.

Due to the global nature of my company, I cannot charge my clients for the services I provide. Binance provides a solution to this problem by allowing me to accept stablecoins on my Binance account, which I can later sell on the market for a profit.

Additionally, I started offering this service to other Lebanese citizens who were having difficulty raising money from abroad due to widespread corruption and the banking crisis. Money transfer companies like Western Union and MoneyGram were not viable options for them.

In the midst of the unbearable hyperinflation we are facing, Binance has become a safe wallet and an innovative solution for people to access their funds. As a result, this service has not only brought me additional income, but has also helped hundreds of people to access their funds.

The above is what I think is the essence extracted from the 161 letters of support, which unfolds to me and everyone a picture of CZ from the perspectives of charity, education, partnership and colleagues.