In the last stage we gave birth to #Defi  and #𝐍𝐅𝐓 , but now where is the innovation from 𝟎 to 𝟏 ?

Let’s study it in this issue!


What I mean by “𝟎 to 𝟏” are those innovations that are so unique that they change the trajectory of an industry, whose originality pushes the industry forward and creates a whole new space in crypto!

Starting from “0 to 1”, it may confuse you at first, but if you take action early, it may bring you good returns.

Because when a truly new hit comes along, it may generate little or no interest, or it may even be dismissed outright as not worthy of any attention.

That’s why we should keep an open mind and be willing to try every new hot and particularly controversial thing, because it can increase your chances of finding a 100x asset. While 𝐍𝐅𝐓 is the most prominent 𝟎 to 𝟏 innovation, 𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐬 and 𝐁𝐀𝐘𝐂 are the most successful examples of the previous stage!


Of course, tokens also often introduce innovations from 0 to 1.

Let's take a look at a few examples from the previous stage:

◉ $AMPL Reset Token

◉ $CRV Token Economics

$YFI Fair Launch

◉ $OHM Ponzi Scheme

$SNX Liquidity mining and collateral assets for stablecoins


So, where is the innovation from 0 to 1 in this stage?

I think there are several aspects:

①Ordinal and BTCFi

NFT on Bitcoin was not recognized at first. However, it has been done now, and it turns out that BTC NFT performs far better than Ethereum NFT!

Of course we also have BRC20, ARC20, etc., bringing innovation to alternative tokens on BTC, and soon, the Runes protocol may soon introduce memecoin transactions to Bitcoin.


Some say it’s the new Ponzi scheme, others think it’s the future of Ethereum

I think Ethereum’s ability to re-use ETH is breathing new life into it. Not only does this improve its economics, it’s also bringing new energy and possibilities to its ecosystem. We are seeing the birth of new dApps like LRT and AVS due to re-collateralization.

But Ethereum fans should take note, Bitcoin is also being reshaped!

③ Innovations to expand the scale of blockchain

Modular vs monolithic blockchain is my favorite debate at this stage. Which approach will prevail?

Modular scaling brings innovation to L2, data availability, zero-knowledge proofs, and many other industries, and the jobs that come with it.

The monolithic approach attempts to accomplish the “impossible” by scaling all its functionality under one roof.


Other innovations in this phase include

●Account abstraction, intended to improve user experience

Soulbound tokens, non-transferable tokens that represent personal identity on-chain

●Real-world assets, tokenized on-chain


▲  How to find innovation from 0 to 1?

In search of technological innovation: something that has never been seen before

Find the community: Is anyone noticing it? Even if some people don’t like it, that’s a good sign.

Look for confusion: New things are confusing because: ①Technological innovation ②Challenging your own preconceived ideas


Overall, cryptocurrency is a 1 to 0 innovation due to the existence of Bitcoin itself.

But at each stage, the industry continues to grow, with multiple sub-sectors bringing new innovations and job opportunities to those who are open-minded and willing to learn.

Finally, I would like to add that in the field of cryptocurrency, the less skeptical approach often produces good returns. There are many "innovations" that often prove to be useless and they soon disappear without a trace.

So, my advice is: think independently, open your search, try new things, and be open to new ideas.

Finally, let’s all cheer up and fight for our dreams, because you never know which of your ideas, once put into practice, may change your life!