Buckle Up for Bitcoin's Rocket Ride: From Humble Beginnings to Moon Missions! 🚀

2009: Bitcoin was just a baby idea! Nobody knew what it would become.

2010-2016: BOOM! Bitcoin went from practically worthless to over $1,000! That's a 1,000,000% increase! But hold on tight there were some crazy dips too.

2017: HOLD ON TIGHT! Bitcoin skyrocketed to a mind-blowing $13,880! Lambos for everyone? Maybe not, but it was a wild ride!

2018-2020: Uh oh, space weather alert!  The price dipped, but hey, it was still way up from its early days.

2021: NEW ALL-TIME HIGH! Bitcoin CRUSHED its record, reaching $46,498! Party on the moon? Almost there!

2022-2023: The journey continues! Bitcoin took another leap to a whopping $79,365! Will it keep climbing, or is it time for a pit stop? ⛜

**The Big Question: Where to Next? **

The crypto community is buzzing with this question!  Will Bitcoin break $100,000 this year? Or are we in for a correction?

Tell us, what's YOUR prediction for Bitcoin's next peak?

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