My Ton Wallet Lu Mao Chance

Complete tasks in Community Bot to participate in the prize pool of 3M $MY tokens

If you buy Telegram Premium, you must definitely participate!

Proceed as follows


1. Click the link to install the wallet

2. Create a wallet and save the annotation words

3. Go to @commmmunity and find the My Ton Wallet task

4. Follow the steps to complete the task

- 1~4 are all simple social tasks

- Step 5 Connect My ton wallet to community bot

- Step 6 Use My ton wallet’s cross-chain swap service and select the currency to be swapped. After transferring USDT, it will automatically swap to $TON. The task requires at least 5 $TON

The entire Swap process may take several hours. As long as the information is not entered incorrectly, it is normal for the money to be transferred and not be credited immediately.

- Step 7 Buy any jetton worth at least 5 $TON

- Step 8: Stake $TON, at least 5 $TON

5. If you purchase Telegram Premium, you can get an additional 500xp