‼️During my first bull run, I lost 90% of my net worth because I didn't take profits - a mistake I won't repeat.

While many can advise you on when to buy, few discuss when to sell.

I dedicated months to studying how to sell crypto at its all-time high (ATH).

Here's my ultimate strategy 👇🧵


Every crypto bull run tends to follow the same pattern: 99% of people either lose everything or simply break even and leave the market.

This happens because the crypto market is a prime example of human emotions at play, driven by FEAR, GREED, and our "dear" friend called FOMO.


While predicting every crypto move with precision is impossible, having a solid understanding of market structure and some rules can help you secure profits and close positions at the best possible times.

Today, we will delve into the following topics:

▶️ Market cycle model

▶️ When to sell BTC/ETH/altcoins/memes

▶️ Important rules to keep in mind


① ➬ Think of market profits as your paycheck, not as a lottery win.

Respect your money.

Don't treat it like you're in Las Vegas or some strip club where you can throw money around left and right.

There are no get-rich-quick schemes in this world.

Only slow and steady wins the race.


② ➬ Buy on expectations, sell on news.

Don't be the person who shows up after the party's over.

When news breaks, it's time to sell, not buy.

By buying late, you're just feeding those who got in early and are now laughing in their new lambos.


③ ➬ Would you buy a token from your portfolio right now if you weren't already holding it?

As humans, we don't like losses or realizing we've made poor investments, even when they're truly bad.

We often come up with countless justifications for why we're holding onto particular tokens.

You might be astonished by the amount of terrible assets in your portfolio if you simply pose this question to yourself.


Cheers 🫡

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