Analyze the market and surf the trend, but don't complain when you lose or get too excited when you make a profit, save a little for hold and profit in the long term.
The short term is good when you leave with a profit, but most of the time people leave with a loss, this is the logic of the market itself, some make a profit while others are unable to pay the bills, and it's not the fault of one or the other because The sea waves are always moving up and down until they reach the beach.
In the long term he is magnificent, he is the lord of uncertainties and what will happen, my desire is that all our investments are profitable but they will not always be and this is, as said before, a logic of the market. If I had locked away half of the doge that passed through my hands since 2014 until today I would be surfing in a bed of roses, today with this thought I seek to evolve both what I keep and what I sell to achieve in different ways, every night I go to bed and my balance is higher than the previous night, I feel fulfilled and that is the great beauty of the market and the feeling I should feel when the opposite happens because the waves continue to reach the beach, you can't make a profit every day but if over the long In the long term I have a profit, this is already a great achievement.
May you go to sleep fulfilled, focus on learning and always evolve