We are pleased to announce that Astro-X ($AstroX) is officially incorporated as an LLC (company) in the United States as Astro-X LLC, Company No.: 3465292.

We are also pleased to announce that Astro-X LLC has registered with X as an official Verified Organisation with a Gold Checkmark.

The moment we incorporated is the moment we took Astro-X out of the realm of anonymity and we placed Astro-X as a business and crypto project with an identity doxxed to government organisations. We removed the non-accountability that is normally present in microcaps and we replaced it with accountability by incorporating the project.

This marks an extremely important milestone, not seen by many other projects at our level, indicating the seriousness of Astro-X, the seriousness of the team, and the direction we are going in. This reflects our huge goals that we intend to reach and it reflects our vision as described on our website.

We are in the early stages of our journey to success; let's get there together. Thank you all for your continued support.

AstroX shifts the paradigm of crypto investing from high-risk, speculative trend-chasing to informed, data-driven decision-making. Avoid FOMO; trade smart.

Massively increase your trading profits by getting into trades earlier while reducing risks using AstroX.

Try our FREE version - it could change your life entirely by helping you to make trading more profitable using real-time trend insights via our X-API integration, with USERS REPORTING INCREASED PROFITS AND BEING SAVED FROM RUG-PULLS!! 😼


Circulating supply - 989m (100%)

Total supply - 989m

Buys/sells - 5% tax (covers huge running costs of APIs and developments)

Current mcap - 800k


#AstroX $AstroX