The best returns are here, this mining period lasts for 6 days! Every free period before is a guaranteed profit, don’t miss this one! Leave a comment if you want to mine. If you want to keep up with the pace, choose the right target every time, and achieve compound interest rolling returns, leave a comment, and outperform the market safely and steadily! If you need to walk with the wise, click 👆 to follow

Binance Launchpool now supports the 53rd project - Renzo (REZ), a liquidity re-staking protocol.

Users can invest BNB and FDUSD into the EZ mining pool on the Launchpool website after 08:00 (ET) on April 24, 2024 to obtain EZ rewards. EZ can be mined for a total of 6 days. The website is expected to be updated within approximately five hours of this announcement before the mining activity opens.

New Coin Listing

Binance will list Renzo (REZ) at 20:00 (ET8) on April 30, 2024, and open REZ/BTC, REZ/USDT, REZ/BNB, REZ/FDUSD and REZ/TRY trading markets, and seed tag trading rules will apply.

Project Details

Token name: Renzo (REZ)

Maximum Token Supply: 10,000,000,000REZ

Initial circulation: 1,050,000,000 REZ (10.50% of the maximum token supply)

Total mining volume: 250,000,000 REZ (2.5% of the maximum token supply)

Research report: Renzo (REZ) (Research report will be online within one hour of this announcement)

Smart Contract Details: Ethereum

Restrictions: KYC required

Individual hourly mining hard cap

BNB mining pool: 147,569.44 REZ

FDUSD Pool: 26,041.67 REZ

Mining Pools:

BNB Mining Pool (the website will be updated within five hours of this announcement and before the mining activity starts): A total of 212,500,000 REZ can be mined (accounting for 85%)

FDUSD Mining Pool (the website will be updated within five hours of this announcement and before the mining activity opens): A total of 37,500,000 REZ can be mined (accounting for 15%)

Mining time: 08:00 on April 24, 2024 to 07:59 on April 30, 2024, GMT+8

Mining quota phase allocation

Date (00:00:00 - 23:59:59 UTC)

Total daily quota (REZ)

BNB daily quota (REZ) 41,666,666.67

FDUSD daily quota (REZ) 35,416,666.67

2024-04-24 - 2024-04-29