#大盘走势 #大盘分析
Below is an in-depth analysis of potential coin prices in 2030. Keep in mind that these are speculative figures, so it is vital to do your own research:
Bitcoin ($BTC): $167,000
Ethereum ($ETH): $10,768
XRP ($XRP): $11
Cardano ($ADA): $115
Solana ($SOL): $432
Polkadot ($PDA): $17
Dogecoin ($DOGE): $12
Shiba Inu ($SHIBA): $1
Terra ($TIA): $421
Binance Coin ($BNB): $3,987
Polygon ($MATIC): $4
Manta ($MANTA): $8
Market conditions are subject to change, so verification and thorough research is imperative before making any investment decisions.
Next, I will prepare some coins suitable for bargain hunting and output them in Daxian’s “Return Plan”. If you get lost, come and find the way ➡ “点击领取回本计划”