
The simplest and most brutal trading method! Earn more and lose less!

Honestly hoard coins. This method is extremely simple. After buying the coins, leave them there and wait for half a year or even one or two years. The income is basically ten times. But the problem is that novices will panic when they see the price soaring, and always want to change back and forth.

To be honest, if you can stick to it for a month without tossing, it is already very impressive, let alone a year. So, this method looks simple, but it is actually quite challenging. The method of chasing declines in the bull market. This method is only suitable for playing in the bull market. Just take some spare money, not too much, one-fifth is enough. This method is suitable for coins with a market value of 20-100, so that even if you are trapped, it will not last too long. You buy a coin, wait for it to rise by 50% or more, and then change to the next coin that has fallen sharply.

Just play like this. Of course, if the first coin is trapped, don't worry, the bull market will always untie it. But be careful when choosing coins, don't let them trap you. Beginners should be cautious. Hourglass Car-Changing Method In a bull market, basically any coin you buy will go up. Money flows slowly into each coin like an hourglass.

Usually, big coins go up first, such as BTC and ETH. Then mainstream coins start to move, such as LTC and XMR. Then coins that haven't risen yet, such as RDN and XRP. Then, various small coins start to rise. If you see that Bitcoin has risen, go find small coins that haven't risen yet and buy them quickly.

Pyramid Bottom-Picking Method This method is used to pick the big bottom. How to do it? It is to buy in steps. The lower the price, the more you buy. For example, if the coin price drops to 80%, buy one-tenth of the position; if it drops to 70%, buy one-fifth; buy all the way until you buy a position at half the price.

Look at the moving average method This requires a little knowledge of K-line. You just need to set a few indicator parameters, such as MA5 and MA10. Then see if the current price is above these lines. If yes, hold it; if MA5 falls below MA10, sell it immediately; conversely, if MA5 rises above MA10, buy it immediately. It's that simple.

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