There is nothing too unusual about the trend of the day. We are also accustomed to this trend in the rhythm of gradual rise. In the morning, it broke through the top test 67222 and then fell back to the low test 66142. After entering the market perfectly in the morning, it was directly short at the high position of 67100 and 3220, and left the market at the position of 66200 and 3170. The big cake took more than 900 points of space, and the concubine took more than 50 points of space. In the morning, Wei Yi also paid attention to the bottom line support of the disk. The trend in the morning was consistent with Wei Yi's thinking.

From the current structure, but after breaking through the top test 67222 in the morning, it slowly retreated to the low test 66142. Looking at the short-term one-hour line, the retracement strength is insufficient and it is expected to rise, and the four-hour KDJ line is interspersed back and forth at a high level. In the future, you can pay attention to the bottom line support of the day, and follow up directly if the bottom line support is broken. In the afternoon, we will continue to rely on the morning's thinking to fall back to more.

Dabing suggests: more around 66100, target 67300

Yitai suggests: more around 3150, target 3230$BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #大盘走势