2024.4.23 #BTC Market Analysis

Chart: (H4 chart)

1) Let's look at the H4 chart today, which is clearer. After hunting range-L and reaching a low, it hunted last week's high point upwards and tested range-EQ. It is just hunting here, and it cannot be said that the structure is damaged. It is still oscillating in the discount zone.

2) So here, if it stands firm on range-EQ and maintains oscillation above range-EQ, then continue to look upward and test range-H.

3) But if the small-level structural steel here is damaged and stepped back, then H4 bullish OB is the opportunity we focus on, and here is also ML waiting to be plundered.

Trading recommendations:

1) Pay attention to H4 bullish OB, buy here (maybe the last chance to get on board)

PS: This article is only a personal opinion, not an investment advice, please be at your own risk. The community morning report is updated twice a day, including market analysis of multiple trading pairs such as #BTC📷📷📷 #SOL, welcome to join the community to read.