All friends in the cryptocurrency circle, please note that the halving has been completed, and the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. The big cake is about to officially start the second stage of accelerated rise, with the target of 80k!

For short-term players, the recent market is not very friendly, and it is even more unfavorable at present, because many times it is intraday wealth, and after a fierce operation, the price is still the same price, and your account net value may have decreased!

In fact, the most difficult thing to restrain in this market is human nature. Most people will make mistakes due to intraday fluctuations in the process of watching the market, and they will make mistakes again and again!

That's why the market has bred so many quantitative transactions, because quantitative trading has no emotions, it will only perform tasks according to a string of codes.

At present, the best way to deal with it is to remain unchanged in the face of changes. As a veteran in the market who has fought for many years, I look at the ups and downs of the market without any waves in my heart. I hold the spot and I am unmoved! #比特币减半 $BTC $ETH $BNB