#比特币减半 #大盘走势

Big profits must be a combination of luck (big market) + self-awareness. No matter how awesome a person is, he can't make money without a big market. Learn more in the bear market and look forward to catching the next big market. There will be one or two rounds every year.

Many people may feel that trading is tiring. I was like this at the beginning. I couldn't sleep at night and always wanted to watch the market.

But as long as you get out of it, it won't be like this.

Watching the market is useless. If you stare at the K-line, your inner emotions are affected all the time, and you may operate blindly. Make a good trading plan, there is no need to watch the market. The closer you are to the market, the farther away from wealth.

You should spend time reading and thinking.