Don't be depressed because of temporary difficulties, everything will be fine. If you don't believe it, look back and you will find that you have gone through a lot of hardships without realizing it, right?

Hang Qing Review:

Following yesterday's oscillating rhythm in the morning, it came to the position near 64500 in the morning, and then formed a unilateral upward trend. In the morning, Wei Yi also arranged in the range and waited for the market to break and follow up. In the morning, Wei Yi gained more than 2600 points of space for the big cake, and the concubine gained more than 100 points of space. The trend in the morning was also within Wei Yi's expectations!

Hang Qing Analysis:

After the intraday oscillation, a unilateral upward trend was formed, rising to the position of 66449, and then the upward movement was unable to give a retracement, and it is currently showing a retracement trend. In the morning, it broke through the resistance near 65700 to form a top and bottom exchange. The bottom line support was mainly used to look at the position near 67000. So continue to rely on the intraday thinking and step back more.

Big cake suggestion: more around 65600, target 67000

Auntie suggestion: more around 3190, target 3300$BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #token2049