Read Before Investing and Transacting

Before making a transaction, you should definitely take a look at the road maps of the coins you want to trade. If you do not have information about that coin, you may lose money in the instantaneous decrease and increase range. What is the market value? What is the market dominance percentage? What is their Total and Circulating Supply? And most importantly, the release date? When I add coins to my favorites, I generally make sure that they are at least 3 years old. Because it is difficult to trust new coins after a certain period of time.

That's why I love #Binance . It offers detailed information and statistics. For example, you can get an idea of ​​how to proceed for #Bitcoin from the detailed and explanatory explanations of the Traders here.

There are currently 10-15 Coins added to my favorites. These are all those that have been on the market for at least 3 years. Whenever possible, I look at news about these coins on the internet. For example, when you want to do research on #PepeCoin and #DogeCoin , you can do this from local and foreign sources. In this way, new friends can gain ideas and knowledge.

Remember that taking risks with a moment of excitement and desire can cause you great harm. It is always more profitable to tread carefully.

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@Yapay Zeka Fd